Patient Records Of

Patient Records Of

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There are clear advantages to implementing an Electronic Patient Record in hospitals and practices of all sizes. The hospital environment is a fast-paced environment with demanding results needed to separate life from death. There is a drastic need for information to be accurate, precise, and timely. Electronic Patient Records allow for all information relating to a patient to be stored in one location – the patient’s profile to be accessed by any authorised official within the organisation. We’ve compiled some advantages to using an Electronic Patient Record system.


One of the least talked about benefits of using an Electronic Patient Record system is legibility. Instead of reviewing hand-written doctors’ notes across departments, digital records allow for clear communication and understanding between clinicians. For example, writing prescriptions has been one of the more prevalent areas where medical errors have occurred.

Electronic Health Record

Additionally, in prescribing medication, Electronic Patient Records have functionality that limits adverse reactions and notifies clinicians about contraindications. Thereby reducing the risk involved in medication-related errors.

Patient Portals are ever-evolving especially given the current need for remote consultations. EPR allows patients to access their own health data so they can perhaps share the data with another physician or view updated test results or x-rays.

The availability of such dynamic data allows for clinicians and their organisations to monitor patterns and encourage areas of improvement. This data is very important in monitoring projects, customer delivery statistics, and quality assurance. These reports and analytics are necessary for improvements and risk mitigation.

The Legalities Of Protecting Patient Records

We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it.I AcceptPrivacy policyHealthcare is one of the most complex and vital industries of the world. Doctors work tirelessly to improve the quality and longevity of lives every day. Unfortunately, they face several challenges while saving lives of countless people around the world.

One of the common challenges faced by doctors and healthcare administrators is finding quick access to patient records in critical medical care situations.

Medical records are undoubtedly the lifeline of today’s healthcare world. You don’t need patient records just to treat them and follow-up about their improvement, but also for documenting their health status for the future reference. This helps in meeting paperwork formalities in today’s medico-legal environment.

Patient Medical Records Transcription Services

Now that the stature of patient record has become bigger, the healthcare world is looking for new ways to track and maintain it efficiently. It is important for medical practitioners, hospitals and other healthcare facilities to keep track of medical records for quick access in case of medical emergency or legal requirement.


Technology creates the way ahead for effective patient record management in the form of advanced hospital information system. From capturing, storing and disseminating records to reducing the risk of legal threat due to unmanaged medical records, hospital information system is instrumental at every stage.

Without any trusted hospital information software for healthcare industry, administrative staff is constantly struggling to find patient records. Further, patients don’t take it positively that the practice of their healthcare administrators are behind the times.

Medical Records: When Access Can Be Refused

Most of the hospital information systems generate a unique identity document for new patients. This document ensures that every record of a patient in the future is recorded under the same ID for easy access.

However, the records of old patients that was maintained manually before the implementation of HIS remains unmapped in the system. When creating medical records for new patients in your hospital information system, remember to integrate the records of old patients accurately and comprehensively.


You can’t afford to lose records of your old patients, as these include complete details of their medical history, which can be useful in their future diagnosis. One of the popular hospital information systems, Med-E-Nova allows medical practitioners to view patient records pertaining to previous visits, that too online from anywhere and anytime.

Create A New Patient Record

A 71-year-old female in Pennsylvania was accidentally taking an antipsychotic for three months, instead of her anti-hypertensive medication. This led to ambulatory dysfunction, mood swings, tremors and many other physiological changes because of the medication error in manual prescription.

It’s high time for doctors to discontinue with the option of writing medical prescriptions manually. With e-prescribing, doctors can significantly prevent drug prescription errors and instantly reconcile a patient’s medication history.

The medication reconciliation process becomes easier, as there is no need to flip through cumbersome prescription papers stored in a physical folder. Electronic prescriptions also eliminate chances of wrong drugs being dispensed due to handwriting errors.


The Guide To Getting And Using Your Health Records

This not only helps doctors but even patients who can have trust over their doctor that right drugs have been selected from extensive formulary stored in hospital information systems like Med-E-Nova.

In the battle between on premise and cloud based HIS as far as it’s about patient records management, the latter wins clearly. In-house HIS may be down due to some technical glitch or could require frequent maintenance.

And, during the down time, no patient records can be tracked, leading to critical anomalies. While on cloud-based HIS or healthcare management software, continuity in accessing and maintaining patient records can be maintained.

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There are many other ways to maintain patient records efficiently. No matter, what method you adopt, the focus has to be on ensuring quick and easy access to medical records to deliver the right patient care in real time.


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