Van Hohenheim Quotes

Van Hohenheim Quotes

He was a pioneer in several aspects of the medical revolution of the Raissance, emphasizing the value of observation in combination with received wisdom. He is credited as the father of toxicology.

Paracelsus also had a substantial influce as a prophet or diviner, his Prognostications being studied by Rosicrucians in the 1600s. Paracelsianism is the early modern medical movemt inspired by the study of his works.


A village close to the Etzel Pass in Einsiedeln, Schwyz. He was born in a house next to a bridge across the Sihl river. His father Wilhelm (d. 1534) was a chemist and physician, an illegitimate descdant of the Swabian noble Georg Bombast von Hohheim (1453–1499), commander of the Order of Saint John in Rohrdorf.

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Paracelsus' mother was probably a native of the Einsiedeln region and a bonds-woman of Einsiedeln Abbey, who before her marriage worked as superintdt in the abbey's hospital.

Paracelsus in his writings repeatedly made referces to his rustic origins and occasionally used Eremita (from the name of Einsiedeln, meaning hermitage) as part of his name.

After which Paracelsus's father moved to Villach, Carinthia, where he worked as a physician, attding to the medical needs of the pilgrims and inhabitants of the cloister.

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He also received a profound humanistic and theological education from local clerics and the convt school of St. Paul's Abbey in the Lavanttal.

However, there is no record of Trithemius spding much time at Einsiedeln, nor of Paracelsus visiting Sponheim or Würzburg before Trithemius's death in 1516.

At the age of 16 he started studying medicine at the University of Basel, later moving to Vina. He gained his medical doctorate from the University of Ferrara in 1515 or 1516.

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That was not found in books or faculties. Thus, betwe 1517 and 1524, he embarked on a series of extsive travels around Europe.

In 1524 After visiting his father at Villach and finding no local opportunity to practice, he settled in Salzburg, as a physician,

Since 1519/20 he had be working on his first medical writings, and he now completed Elf Traktat and Volum medicinae Paramirum, which describe elev common maladies and their treatmt, and his early medical principles.


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While he was returning to Villach and while he worked on his first medical writings, he contemplated many fundamtal issues such as the meaning of life and death, health, the causes of disease (internal imbalances or external forces), the place of humans in the world and in the universe, and the relationship betwe humans (including himself) and God.

In 1526, he bought the rights of citizship in Strasbourg to establish his own practice. But soon after, he was called to Basel to the sickbed of printer Johann Frobius and reportedly cured him.

During that time, the Dutch Raissance humanist Erasmus of Rotterdam, also at the University of Basel, witnessed the medical skills of Paracelsus, and the two scholars initiated a dialogue in exchanging letters on medical and theological subjects.

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In 1527, Paracelsus was a licsed physician in Basel with the privilege of lecturing at the University of Basel. At that time Basel was a ctre of Raissance humanism, and Paracelsus here came into contact with Erasmus of Rotterdam, Wolfgang Lachner, and Johannes Oekolampad. Wh Erasmus fell ill while staying in Basel, he wrote to Paracelsus: I cannot offer thee a reward equal to thy art and knowledge—I surely offer thee a grateful soul. Thou hast recalled from the shades Frobius who is my other half: if thou restorest me also thou restorest each through the other.

He stated that he wanted his lectures to be available to everyone. He also published harsh criticism of the Basel physicians and apothecaries, creating political turmoil to the point of his life being threated. In a display of his contempt for convtional medicine, Paracelsus publicly burned editions of the works of Gal and Avicna. On 23 June 1527 he burnt a copy of Avicna's Canon of Medicine, an ormous tome that was a pillar of academic study, in market square.


He was prone to many outbursts of abusive language, abhorred untested theory, and ridiculed anybody who placed more importance on titles than practice ('if disease put us to the test, all our spldour, title, ring, and name will be as much help as a horse's tail').

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During his time as a professor at the University of Basel, he invited barber-surgeons, alchemists, apothecaries, and others lacking academic background to serve as examples of his belief that only those who practised an art knew it: The patits are your textbook, the sickbed is your study.

Famously Paracelsus said, I leave it to Luther to defd what he says and I will be responsible for what I say. That which you wish to Luther, you wish also to me: You wish us both in the fire.

A companion during the Basel years expressed a quite unflattering opinion on Paracelsus: The two years I passed in his company he spt in drinking and gluttony, day and night. He could not be found sober an hour or two together, in particular after his departure from Basel.

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In Alsace, Paracelsus took up the life of an itinerant physician once again. After staying in Colmar with Lorz Fries [Wikidata ], and briefly in Essling, he moved to Nuremberg in 1529. His reputation wt before him, and the medical professionals excluded him from practising.


The name Paracelsus is first attested in this year, used as a pseudonym for the publication of a Practica of political-astrological character in Nuremberg.

Pagel (1982) supposes that the name was intded for use as the author of non-medical works, while his real name Theophrastus von Hohheim was used for medical publications. The first use of Doctor Paracelsus in a medical publication was in 1536, as the author of the Grosse Wundartznei. The name is usually interpreted as either a Latinization of Hohheim (based on celsus high, tall) or as the claim of surpassing Celsus. It has be argued that the name was not the invtion of Paracelsus himself, who would have be opposed to the humanistic fashion of Latinized names, but was giv to him by his circle of frids in Colmar in 1528. It is difficult to interpret but does appear to express the paradoxical character of the man, the prefix para suggestively being echoed in the titles of Paracelsus's main philosophical works, Paragranum and Paramirum (as it were, beyond the grain and beyond wonder), a paramiric treatise having be announced by Paracelsus as early as 1520.

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The great medical problem of this period was syphilis, possibly rectly imported from the West Indies and running rampant as a pandemic completely untreated. Paracelsus vigorously attacked the treatmt with guaiac wood as useless, a scam perpetrated by the Fugger of Augsburg as the main importers of the wood in two publications on the topic. Wh his further stay in Nuremberg had become impossible, he retired to Beratzhaus, hoping to return to Nuremberg and publish an extded treatise on the Frch sickness, but its publication was prohibited by a decree of the Leipzig faculty of medicine, represted by Heinrich Stromer, a close frid and associate of the Fugger family.

In Beratzhaus, Paracelsus prepared Paragranum, his main work on medical philosophy, completed 1530. Moving on to St. Gall, he th completed his Opus Paramirum in 1531, which he dedicated to Joachim Vadian. From St. Gall, he moved on to the land of Appzell, where he was active as lay preacher and healer among the peasantry. In the same year, he also visited the mines in Schwaz and Hall in Tyrol, working on his book on miners' diseases. He moved on to Innsbruck, where he was once again barred from practising. He passed Sterzing in 1534, moving on to Meran, Veltlin, and St. Moritz, which he praised for its healing springs. In Meran, he also came in contact with the socio-religious programs of the Anabaptists. He visited Pfäfers Abbey, dedicating a separate pamphlet to its baths (1535). He passed Kempt, Memming, Ulm, and Augsburg in 1536. He finally managed to publish his Die grosse Wundartznei (The Great Surgery Book), printed in Ulm, Augsburg, and Frankfurt in this year.

His Astronomia magna (also known as Philosophia sagax) was completed in 1537, but not published until 1571. It is a treatise on hermeticism, astrology, divination, theology, and demonology, and it laid the basis of Paracelsus's later fame as a prophet. His motto Alterius non sit qui suus esse potest (Let no man belong to another who can belong to himself) is inscribed on a 1538 portrait by Augustin Hirschvogel.


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In 1541, Paracelsus moved to Salzburg, probably on the invitation of Ernest of Bavaria, where he died on 24 September. He was buried in St Sebastian's cemetery in Salzburg. His remains were relocated inside St Sebastian's church in 1752.

After his death, the movemt of Paracelsianism was seized upon by many wishing to subvert the traditional Galic physics, and his therapies became more widely known and used. His manuscripts have be lost, but many of his works which remained unpublished during his lifetime were edited by Johannes Huser of Basel during 1589–1591. His works were frequtly reprinted and widely read during

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