What Does Asbestos Look Like In Linoleum

What Does Asbestos Look Like In Linoleum

Because of the naturally soft, fibrous consistency of , the fireproof mineral was also made into felt for construction and manufacturing purposes until its toxicity was revealed to the public. Felt is a type of fabric made when textile fibers are compressed and heated or moistened so that they mat together. Felt was commonly made of animal hair or synthetic fibers.

Felt was used as an underlayment for floors and roofs. Paper mills also used sheets of it on which to dry hot paper pulp. The content of these products was historically 85%, with almost all manufacturers using the common chrysotile form, also known as “white .” Because felt is friable, which means it easily releases toxic dust particles into the air when worked with or disturbed, it poses a major exposure risk.


Flooring felt is one of the few products completely banned in the U.S., and regulations now require other products to contain less than 1% . However, old felt remains in the floors and roofs of millions of American buildings constructed between 1900 and the 1990s. Roofers, flooring installers, demolition workers and paper mill workers have faced the greatest risk of exposure to this product.

How To Remove Linoleum Flooring

In 2007, an exposure study published in Annals of Work Exposures and Health simulated work roofers performed using -containing roofing materials, including felt. Chrysotile fibers were detected in 28 of 84 air samples taken during the study.

Thankfully, the exposure level detected in the study suggested it is unlikely that current roofers are exposed to dangerous levels of over an eight-hour work shift. Unfortunately, former roofers have been exposed to dangerous levels of and have developed related diseases as a result.

Roofers, flooring installers and paper mill workers inhaled fibers while applying or removing felt. Even when the product was new and in good condition it could easily release fibers during handling because of the way it was made.

Images Of Asbestos Flooring

In decades past, felt products contributed substantially to the occupational exposure that now results in -related deaths among retired blue-collar workers each year in fields including:

If you were exposed in the past, watch for symptoms such as difficulty breathing, chest pain, abdominal swelling and fatigue. Workers diagnosed with related diseases should see a doctor to ensure they receive the best treatment possible.

Since the 1970s, thousands of construction workers and homeowners have filed lawsuits against manufactures of products, including felt manufacturers, after being diagnosed with illnesses such as mesothelioma and lung cancer. This sent many companies into bankruptcy.

What Does Asbestos Tile Look Like In Flooring?

Another major manufacturer of flooring products, Armstrong World Industries, was driven to bankruptcy in 2000 by the volume of lawsuits filed against it. As part of its reorganization, it established the Armstrong World Industries Trust in 2006 to provide compensation to present and future claimants. According to the trust’s 2014 annual report, it paid almost $100 million in claims that year, and its total value was about $1.8 billion.

In addition to lawsuits and trust fund claims, other forms of compensation include VA claims, Social Security Disability and grants for treatment or travel. An experienced mesothelioma attorney can offer the best guidance on the types of compensation for which you may qualify.

If roofing or flooring installed before 1980 must be repaired or replaced, a sample of the underlayment should be tested for before the work gets underway. Consult a trained abatement professional before doing any work that may disturb an felt product.

How To Identify & Remove Asbestos In Linoleum Flooring

Felt is friable, making it a particularly hazardous product no matter the percentage of content. Most felt in homes and businesses today is encapsulated under floor tiles and roof shingles. The safest thing to do in many cases is to leave it that way so fibers remain trapped.

In the early 1900s, a new construction method called built-up roofing became popular. During this process, several layers of fabric covered with tar or asphalt were laid down on top of one another. felt became the primary material used in many flat-topped buildings.


Materials used in flooring installation also incorporated felt. Linoleum, asphalt and vinyl floor tiles all offered cheap and durable flooring solutions, and felt products were available as backing materials for all of them.

Asbestos Floor Tiles: What Does Asbestos In Flooring Look Like?

The rise of the office worker brought with it the advent of the modern paper industry, which found yet another application for felt. After trees are processed into wood pulp, the pulp must be dried before being made into paper. Laying the pulp out on sheets of felt allowed it to be dried at a high temperature, increasing the speed of production.

By the 1980s, however, corporations could no longer cover up the link between exposure and fatal diseases such as is and mesothelioma. As with most products, the use of felt has largely been phased out in the United States, though it remains a threat to workers and homeowners renovating old floors and roofs.

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Top 5 Areas Where Asbestos Is Found

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Our free mesothelioma guide contains information on symptoms, top doctors, support resources and more. Get information tailored to your unique diagnosis, and learn about our free services.When it came to vinyl tiles and linoleum floor tiles, asbestos was the building material of choice for decades. Until the late 1980s, builders had used asbestos as masting and other ingredients to provide affordable and fireproof tiles and sheeting.


However, because of asbestos’ history of causing lung cancer and other fatal illnesses, it fell out of favour in the construction industry. While you won’t find new sheet flooring products containing asbestos, the risk of exposure to asbestos fibers is still real in older buildings.

What Does Asbestos Look Like And How To Identify It

In this piece, we’ll take a look at how you can find, manage, and remove asbestos in flooring, linoleum, and vinyl included.

As with any asbestos-containing material (ACM), the first step to finding asbestos in linoleum sheet flooring and vinyl tiles is to check your Designated Substance Survey (DSS).

The DSS should specify what parts of your buildings use asbestos. You’ll also look into the condition of each ACM in terms of damage. It’ll help you know if any of your linoleum or vinyl sheets need repair or replacing.

Asbestos Floor Tiles

When it comes to linoleum or vinyl flooring, the main problem is the masting. In the 1950s, most builders had used asbestos as masting to hold the tiles together and to the ground. Linoleum, in particular, might also have paper backing made out of asbestos.

You can also check out the specific design of your tiles. Before the mid-1980s, for example, a lot of buildings used 9×9” square tiles. In general, those tiles contain asbestos adhesives, which will usually make those tiles presumed asbestos containing materials (PACM).


In general, when it comes to asbestos materials, as long as the asbestos is sealed away and in a non-friable state (i.e., where you can’t crush it into dust), it’s not harmful.

Common Asbestos Materials

It’s only a problem when there’s asbestos exposure. The risk with damaged or worn tiles is that there may be cracks through which asbestos fibers can move. If you have friable asbestos, then your occupants are at high risk of breathing in the asbestos.

You can potentially prevent this from happening by properly maintaining your tiles so that they don’t wear out and break. But in some buildings, such as industrial ones, that’s not realistic — heavy machinery or vehicles could damage your flooring material.

Likewise, the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) requires you to continually document asbestos materials, warn occupants of its presence, and clean-up broken tiles. At a certain point, this becomes an expensive process, and with few returns in terms of profit.

Asbestos Awareness For Homeowners

The challenge with old linoleum flooring, asbestos masting, and the like is that it usually takes up a large portion of your building’s surface area. You could easily have over 100 square feet

You also have the challenge of removing the masting. It’s relatively easy to remove the tile, but if the masting or adhesive has asbestos, then the process of removing is much harder. Also, if you are not careful with the removal procedures, you could get exposed to asbestos fibers.


One way to manage asbestos exposure risks is to call a professional asbestos abatement company. They’ll take steps to prevent asbestos exposure while also remove the material from your building as safely and quickly as possible.

Laboratory Analysis Of Vinyl Flooring For Asbestos

It’s not easy removing tiles containing asbestos. FERRO will remove it safely and quickly without putting your tenants at risk of exposure. Call us today to get started.

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